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Postgraduate Programme

Postgraduate Programme

Postgraduate Programme
Entrance exams notice

Entrance exams notice

Entrance exams notice



The visit – course of the post-graduate students of the first year of the MA “The Contemporary Criminality and its Confrontation”of Panteion University in the Lyceum of Juvenile Prison of Avlonas took place on the 4th of May 2011, on the topic: “Imprisonment and alternative criminal sanctions under the light of the human rights protection. The peculiarities of juveniles and the living conditions intra muros”. In this framework, the structure of the course was based on two presentations, prepared by the postgraduate students, under the scientific supervision of the Professor Mrs. Ch. Zarafonitou.

The aforementioned scientific event was organised for the second year by the Professor and the Director of the MA of Criminology Mrs. Ch. Zarafonitou, in the framework of the course “City and criminality, feeling of unsafety and punitiveness”, and with the willing cooperation of the Director of the High School of the Juvenile Prison of Avlonas, Mr. P. Damianos as well as of the Director of the Juvenile Prison Mr. P. Doulamis.