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Christina M. Zarafonitou. Helmut Kury (Ed.), Fear of crime-Punitivity. New developments in Theory and research, Universitatsverlag, Dr.N.Brockmeyer, Bochum, 2008, σ.σ.159-172.


Research findings are not homogeneous concerning the relationship between past victimisation experience and the feeling of fear and insecurity, while distinguishing according to crime type. 

This connection between fear of crime and victimisation, clearly and steadily come out of Greek research. In fact, multiple-regression analysis pointed out that those that have fallen victim to crime feel insecurity almost three times as much as the rest. A similar correlation is verified in the case of indirect victimisation. Ιt is more likely that a more general ‘unsafety’ and ‘worry’, as well as dissatisfaction for services rendered by the state is expressed through fear of crime. Within this framework, quality of life emerges as a significant factor, as this is determined through services offered and the level of satisfaction from environmental and social conditions in the area of residence.